Gobernanza global.
Es posible y necesario aprender de la historia. La
historia no nos devuelve las respuestas a los retos del futuro, porque el
futuro es el resultado de fuerzas nuevas producto de nuevos descubrimientos y
nuevas ideas. Pero la historia está ahí para no repetir los errores que han sumido
a la humanidad en las calamidades de guerras y destrucción.
La gobernanza, término asociado al fenómeno de la globalización,
está relacionada con la necesidad de que la intervención del Estado se ajuste a
medidas de eficacia, de calidad, transparencia y buena orientación que
legitimen su actuación, destinadas a conseguir un equilibrio entre el
desarrollo económico, social e institucional.
La gobernanza global, sin embargo, sería una
fórmula de futuro, en la que están por definir algunos de sus componentes
esenciales. Creo que no se puede hablar
de una gobernanza global en un mundo fragmentado en el que el ascenso del
terrorismo internacional no encuentra ningún freno. Un mundo sometido a fuerzas
centrípetas en el que el equilibrio entre los valores de justicia social y libertad
individual no encuentra su lugar.
Un mundo en el que la tecnología ha hecho posible
que la participación ciudadana en muchos aspectos pueda ser una realidad es un
factor con el que hay que contar en el futuro. Puede suponer la aparición de la
verdadera democracia, al otorgar a los individuos la capacidad de expresarse y
decidir. Sin embargo, la capacidad de decisión está condicionada a la formación
y a la información, dos aspectos que hoy por hoy no están presentes en ninguna
de las sociedades
La falta de transparencia de los gobiernos occidentales,
con la que se protegen intereses de ciertos grupos, y la falta de libertad de
algunos regímenes como el chino, anclados en antiguas normas son los ejemplos a
los que ha hecho referencia en la presentación del libro Gobernanza
inteligente para el siglo XXI. Una vía intermedia entre Occidente y Oriente
(Taurus), de Nicolas Berggruen y Nathan Gardels. Un libro que propone utilizar
lo mejor de ambos sistemas para desarrollar nuevas formas de gobernanza. Sin duda,
un libro muy interesante para explorar las futuras posibilidades del futuro.
It can and must learn from history. The history does not return the answers to the challenges of the future, because the future is the result of new product forces, new discoveries and new ideas. But history is there to not repeat the mistakes that have plunged humanity into the calamities of war and destruction.
Governance, a term associated with the phenomenon of globalization, is related to the need for states intervention fit measures effectiveness, quality, transparency and good guidance to legitimize their actions, aimed at achieving a balance between economic development, social and institutional factors.
Global governance, however, would be a formula for the future, which are to define some of its essential components. I think one cannot speak of global governance in a fragmented world where the rise of international terrorism finds no brake. A world under centripetal forces in which the balance between the values of social justice and individual liberty are not its place.
A world where technology has made it possible for citizen participation in many ways to become a reality is a factor to be reckoned with in the future. You can assume the appearance of true democracy, by giving individuals the ability to express and decide. However, the ability of decision is subject to training and information, both of which currently are not present in any of the companies
The lack of transparency of Western governments that protect the interests of certain groups, and the lack of freedom of some regimes such as Chinese, anchored in old rules are the examples to which reference has been made in the presentation of the book Intelligent Governance for the 21th century. A middle way between West and East (Taurus), Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels. A book that proposes to use the best of both systems to develop new forms of governance. Definitely a very interesting book to explore the future possibilities of the future.
It can and must learn from history. The history does not return the answers to the challenges of the future, because the future is the result of new product forces, new discoveries and new ideas. But history is there to not repeat the mistakes that have plunged humanity into the calamities of war and destruction.
Governance, a term associated with the phenomenon of globalization, is related to the need for states intervention fit measures effectiveness, quality, transparency and good guidance to legitimize their actions, aimed at achieving a balance between economic development, social and institutional factors.
Global governance, however, would be a formula for the future, which are to define some of its essential components. I think one cannot speak of global governance in a fragmented world where the rise of international terrorism finds no brake. A world under centripetal forces in which the balance between the values of social justice and individual liberty are not its place.
A world where technology has made it possible for citizen participation in many ways to become a reality is a factor to be reckoned with in the future. You can assume the appearance of true democracy, by giving individuals the ability to express and decide. However, the ability of decision is subject to training and information, both of which currently are not present in any of the companies
The lack of transparency of Western governments that protect the interests of certain groups, and the lack of freedom of some regimes such as Chinese, anchored in old rules are the examples to which reference has been made in the presentation of the book Intelligent Governance for the 21th century. A middle way between West and East (Taurus), Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels. A book that proposes to use the best of both systems to develop new forms of governance. Definitely a very interesting book to explore the future possibilities of the future.